Palms Therapeutic Massage
Massage Therapy Following a Motor Vehicle Accident
Massage Therapy Following a Motor Vehicle Accident
Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) can be traumatic and unexpected for the person(s) involved. The injuries sustained can sometimes be delayed; you may feel fine the next day. Sometimes you may start experiencing muscle pain and stiffness within 7-10 days. Consulting a trained massage therapist can prevent these ailments from becoming lifelong issues. Palms Therapeutic Massage in Edmonton, AB has massage therapists experienced in treatment methods for those involved in car accidents. We are happy to guide you through direct billing of your insurance to try to take away some of the stress and added work of dealing with your accident. If you have been involved in an MVA, be sure to contact your insurance regarding MVA claims, and you will need to fill out the appropriate forms from a regulated body. When you are ready to visit our clinic for your MVA massage treatments in Edmonton, AB, book our MVA massage online or feel free to email us with any questions or guidance
Motor vehicle accidents can be traumatic for both body and mind. Our Registered Massage Therapists are happy to help facilitate your healing and guide you through our clinic's direct billing service to your motor vehicle accident insurance company.
Massage therapy in Edmonton may be prescribed to deal with common soft tissue injuries after an MVA. Your first MVA appointment includes an initial assessment so your therapist can discuss with you a treatment plan tailored to your concerns and needs.
Book an MVA massage service online or by contacting us, and we will set you up with the proper form required by our clinic to direct the bill to your auto insurance claim. Please note that another health professional such as a doctor, physiotherapist, or chiropractor is responsible for submitting the required forms to your insurance company to initialize/ approve your access to billing for massage sessions. Please kindly provide a valid credit is required on your secure click4time profile for our clinic to proceed with direct billing.