Palms Therapeutic Massage

Monk Massage
Monk Massage
Time for some peace & quiet with a silent 'Monk massage' exclusive to Palms! This special service is sure to allow optimal focuses on your body and mind's relaxation. Soft music or guided meditations are available to clients during this service while your practitioner will encourage you to relax your mind and thoughts and refrain from chatting or conversation. The daily practice of silence has been shown to positively affect blood pressure, mental health, and stress levels. Any of our services can be requested as a monk massage. Embrace the emotional and physical benefits of getting a Monk massage in Edmonton/silent massage while focusing entirely on your body and mind without distraction.
Calm the mind
Improve mindfulness and mental awareness
Improve productivity
Increase focus and concentration
Feel energetic
Relieve pain
Boost relaxation
Relieve from depression, stress, and anxiety
Lower blood pressure
Improve sleep
Lower heart rate